Malin Head - Home of Star Wars
A Irlanda tem lugares deslumbrantes de norte a sul do país! E a gente te mostra um pouco de toda essa beleza aqui no blog e nas nossas redes sociais. No extremo sul da Irlanda está Mizen Head, que já fomos várias vezes, inclusive levamos alguns familiares e é espetacular. Confira todos os detalhes aqui. Agora vamos no sentido oposto, ao extremo norte de toda a ilha, a Inishowen península, no condado de Donegal.
Ireland has stunning places from north to south of the country! And we show you a little of all this beauty here on the blog and our social networks. At the southern end of Ireland is Mizen Head, which we have been several times, we even took some family members and it is spectacular. Check all the details here. Now we go in the opposite direction, to the north end of the whole island, the Inishowen Peninsula, in County Donegal.
Aqui fica Malin Head que é um lugar aberto a visitação pública e com entrada gratuita e estacionamento.
Here lies Malin Head which is a place open to public visitation and with free admission and parking.
Here lies Malin Head which is a place open to public visitation and with free admission and parking.
Há 15 mil anos essa região era totalmente coberta por gelo. Devido à sua localização geográfica estratégica Malin Head teve uma grande importância militar ao longo dos anos e hoje está instalada ali uma estação meteorológica.
Fifteen thousand years ago this region was completely covered with ice. Due to its strategic geographic location Malin Head has had a great military importance over the years and today a meteorological station is installed there.
Logo na chegada vemos uma torre que foi construída na época das guerras napoleônicas para a proteção de um possível ataque, coisa que nunca ocorreu. Imagino que invadir a pequena e remota Irlanda não devia estar entre as prioridades de Napoleão.
Upon arrival we see a tower that was built at the time of the Napoleonic wars to protect from a possible attack, something that never occurred. I imagine that invading small and remote Ireland should not be among Napoleon's priorities.
Upon arrival we see a tower that was built at the time of the Napoleonic wars to protect from a possible attack, something that never occurred. I imagine that invading small and remote Ireland should not be among Napoleon's priorities.
Outra coisa que chama a atenção é a palavra EIRE e o número 80 escritos em branco no chão. Isso era para indicar aos pilotos, na Segunda Guerra Mundial que a Irlanda não deveria ser atacada pois tratava-se de um território neutro.
Another thing that draws attention is the word EIRE and the number 80 written in white on the ground. This was to indicate to the pilots in World War II that Ireland should not be attacked because it was a neutral territory.
Na região há várias ilhas e inclusive um farol. Uma dessas pequenas ilhas é Inistrahull cujas rochas são as mais antigas da Irlanda e tem 1,8 bilhões de anos.
In the region there are several islands and even a lighthouse. One of these small islands is Inistrahull whose rocks are the oldest in Ireland and is 1.8 billion years old.
In the region there are several islands and even a lighthouse. One of these small islands is Inistrahull whose rocks are the oldest in Ireland and is 1.8 billion years old.
Se o dia estiver bonito é possível ver a Escócia, aliás você estará mais perto de Glasgow do que de Dublin.
If the day is beautiful it is possible to see Scotland, in fact you will be closer to Glasgow than to Dublin.
If the day is beautiful it is possible to see Scotland, in fact you will be closer to Glasgow than to Dublin.
Há várias opções de caminhadas e trilhas pelo local é só seguir as orientações devidas e você vai se deparar com cenários deslumbrantes, praias secretas, cliffs impressionantes...
There are several hiking options and trails by the site, just follow the due guidelines and you will come across stunning scenery, secret beaches, stunning cliffs ...
There are several hiking options and trails by the site, just follow the due guidelines and you will come across stunning scenery, secret beaches, stunning cliffs ...
O lugar é rústico, então você não vai encontrar banheiros nem nada para comer ou beber. Quando nós fomos havia apenas uma barraquinha que vendia alguns objetos turísticos e produtos de beleza feitos com algas orgânicas de Donegal. A moça que nos atendeu nos disse que de vez em quando há um food truck que vende café mas que aquele dia tinha resolvido não ir.
The place is rustic so you will not find restrooms or anything to eat or drink. When we went there was just a stall that sold some tourist objects and beauty products made with organic seaweed from Donegal. The girl who worked there told us that from time to time there is a food truck that sells coffee but that day had decided not to go.
The place is rustic so you will not find restrooms or anything to eat or drink. When we went there was just a stall that sold some tourist objects and beauty products made with organic seaweed from Donegal. The girl who worked there told us that from time to time there is a food truck that sells coffee but that day had decided not to go.
E você vai ouvir falar cada vez mais sobre esta região deslumbrante da Irlanda pois aqui foram rodadas cenas no novo Star Wars VIII - The Last Jedi com estréia prevista para dezembro de 2017.
And you will hear more and more talk about this gorgeous region of Ireland as scenes have been shot here in the new Star Wars VIII - The Last Jedi with premiere scheduled for December 2017.
And you will hear more and more talk about this gorgeous region of Ireland as scenes have been shot here in the new Star Wars VIII - The Last Jedi with premiere scheduled for December 2017.
Acompanhe neste vídeo um pouco dos bastidores de Star Wars em Malin Head.
Check out on this video a little of the Star Wars behind the scenes in Malin Head.
Check out on this video a little of the Star Wars behind the scenes in Malin Head.
Lembrando que o filme anterior Star Wars The Force Awakens já tinha sido filmado na Irlanda, em Skellig Michael (no condado de Kerry) e a gente te mostrou todos os detalhes aqui. Nesta região também podem ser vistos um dos fenômenos da natureza mas impressionantes do mundo, a Aurora Boreal.
Just reminding the previous film Star Wars The Force Awakens had already been filmed in Ireland at Skellig Michael (County Kerry) and we showed you all the details here. In this region you can also see one of the most impressive natural phenomena in the world, the Aurora Borealis.
Just reminding the previous film Star Wars The Force Awakens had already been filmed in Ireland at Skellig Michael (County Kerry) and we showed you all the details here. In this region you can also see one of the most impressive natural phenomena in the world, the Aurora Borealis.
A nossa vontade era de ficar muito mais tempo neste lugar de beleza impressionante. Na volta ainda dá para apreciar bonitas paisagens da região.
Our wish was to stay much longer in this place of stunning beauty. On the way back you can enjoy beautiful landscapes of the region.
Our wish was to stay much longer in this place of stunning beauty. On the way back you can enjoy beautiful landscapes of the region.
Quase todos os dias a gente posta novo conteúdo nas nossas redes sociais sobre a Irlanda, quer saber onde ir a um show de comediantes de graça em Dublin ou como foi a última "Sculpture in Context" (exposição de arte ao ar livre)? 'É só seguir nosso Facebook aqui. Quer saber onde comer um dos melhores Fish & Chips de Dublin? Então não deixe de nos seguir também no nosso Instagram aqui.
Almost every day we post new content on our social networks about Ireland, do you want to know where to go to a comedy show for free in Dublin or how the last "Sculpture in Context" was? 'Just follow our Facebook here. Do you want to know where to eat one of the best Fish & Chips in Dublin? So do not forget to also follow us on our Instagram here.
Almost every day we post new content on our social networks about Ireland, do you want to know where to go to a comedy show for free in Dublin or how the last "Sculpture in Context" was? 'Just follow our Facebook here. Do you want to know where to eat one of the best Fish & Chips in Dublin? So do not forget to also follow us on our Instagram here.
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